I am César
José Galarza

Trabajo de manera presencial y también a distancia ya sea de modo individual o con mi equipo de trabajo conformado por profesionales de distintas disciplinas a lo largo de Latinoamérica y Europa.

Environmental and sustainability consultant.

Poseo más de 25 años de experiencia profesional en Latinoamérica y Europa, entre otras, en las siguientes áreas: a) gerenciamiento de proyectos; b) consultoría y asesoramiento; c) capacitación e investigación; y d) coordinación de eventos.

My current lines of work are: 1) public and private policies and instruments for environmental protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation; and 2) sustainability / Agenda 2030.

What my colleagues and clients say about me

"Thanks to Cesar, IDEA (CEU Institute for Environmental Studies) was able to grow and consolidate. In that time, he demonstrated his ability to manage projects and coordinate an important group of researchers as well as to organise a large number of activities. All this combined with his capacity to continue researching. Multitasking, organised and constant. Thank you Cesar for your contribution!
Vice-Rector of Digital Transformation at San Pablo CEU University (Madrid, Spain) - Former Director of the CEU Institute of Environmental Disciplines and Studies (IDEA) (Valencia, Spain).
"César has extensive experience, and a refreshing vision of collaboration for a shared passion".
Climate Change and Sustainability Consultant. Centro Para La Sostenibilidad Urbana (San José De Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
What do I do?

“If you represent or belong to a company; public or private institution, we can work together. I offer my counseling, design and project management, training and generation of innovative ideas services related to environmental, climate change and sustainable development.

In case you already have in mind possible actions, I can collaborate in its transformation into a formal project or in its management, implementation, coordination or search financing.

I attend those tasks under attendance and also at distance, individually or with my team work constituted by professionals of different disciplines throughout Argentina and abroad.

I specialise in the following Sustainable Development Goals.


My expertise

Works carried out

Fundación Vida silvestre Argentina (FVSA)

Project: "Payment for environmental services in the Atlantic Forest of Alto Paraná". 

- Role: Project coordinator

ENDESA Chair on Taxation and Climate Change

Project: several

- Role: Senior researchear

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Project: Estimation of carbon prices in Spain.

- Role: External consultant

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Project: preparation of IFAD's future financing operation in Argentina.

- Role: External consultant on environmental and climate risks .  

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Project: "Strengthening Governance for the Protection of Biodiversity".
through the formulation and implementation of the National Strategy on
Invasive Alien Species (GCP/ARG/023/GFF)".

- Role: Project manager

Do you want to know more about my work?

Contact me

Let me help you

I specialise in consulting and design, management and direction of environmental, climate and sustainable projects. Recibe asesoramiento personalizado.
